
Trustworthy Applications and Services

We build open-source products that help you build and run trustworthy applications and services.

Verifiable Data Structures

Verifiable, append-only, tamper-proof

Detect insider fraud, external compromise

True, provable transparency, both internally and externally

Establish trustworthy registers, provide Open Data

Open source, Apache 2.0 License

Support, implementation and hosting services available

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Safe Dump/Restore

Encrypts database dumps with time-limited keys

Seamless fit to existing workflows

Files become unrecoverable after configurable period

Open source, Apache 2.0 License

Support, implementation and hosting services available

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Gee Cert

Single Sign-On (SSO) to log on to SSH servers, with G-Suite existing Identity System

Based on OpenSSH Certificates, works with existing SSH clients and servers

Extensible to other identity systems

Open source, Apache 2.0 License

Support, implementation and hosting services available

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